Dux ROI Calculator
This calculator is designed to use actual fluid flow rates that have been measured. DUX spray guns typically achieve a Transfer Efficiency (TE) that is 15-40% higher than other spray equipment. However, TE can be difficult to accurately measure in the “real world”. Operators often do not know the level of TE they are achieving with existing equipment – especially when objects of different sizes and shapes are coated throughout the day – so it can be difficult to quantify the precise savings from DUX equipment.
1 This model is based upon a combination of measured fluid flow rates and estimated savings percentages. Actual results may vary.
2. Annual calculations are based upon the number of work days/year entered above
3. Filter element, filter disposal, and cleanup savings are based upon the estimated reduction is filter and clean-up entered above
4. ROI Period is the amount of time required to recuperate the cost of DUX guns at :
$599/Pressure Feed . $799/Platinum Pressure Feed $875/Platinum Gravity Feed $1,595/Manifold Automatic . $1,295/Automatic